Completed Trades

This table summarises slots transferred between air carriers by way of an exchange of slots, whether or not for monetary compensation. If the contents of this table are reproduced or distributed then please ensure ACL is accredited as the source.

Airport Season From Airline To Airline Transaction Date Slots Per Week Trade description
LHR S14 Tarom Air France 15-Nov-2013 14 Slot Swap - 1x early morning, 1x late evening
LHR S14 Iberia British Airways 15-Nov-2013 56 Time Swap between IB&BA - full season
LHR S14 Iberia British Airways 14-Nov-2013 56 Time Swap between IB/BA - Full season
LHR S14 United Airlines British Airways 08-Nov-2013 14 Daily early morning/late evening, midday/late evening swaps
LHR S14 British Airways Aer Lingus 05-Nov-2013 14 Seasonal daily swap late/mid morning
LHR S14 American Airlines British Airways 22-Oct-2013 14 Daily evening slot pair for entire S14 season
LHR W13 Swiss Lufthansa 15-Jul-2013 14 Daily midday rotation
LHR W13 Alitalia Virgin Atlantic 25-Jun-2013 28 2 X Daily rotations (1 x Late afternoon rotation + 1 x Evening rotation)
LHR W13 Etihad Airways Jet Airways 22-Jun-2013 42 3 X Daily rotations (1 x Early morning rotation/2 x Evening rotations)
LHR W13 Jet Airways Etihad Airways 22-Jun-2013 42 3 X Daily rotations (1 x Early morning rotation/2 x Evening rotations)