

BA/AA/IB Trans-Atlantic Joint Venture – Slot Release Procedure Winter 2018 / 2019

BA/AA/IB Trans-Atlantic Joint Venture – Slot Release Procedure Winter 2018/2019

As a result of the July 2010 European Commission (EC) commitment decision under Article 9 of Regulation 1/2003 and the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) decision granting anti-trust immunity to the Trans-Atlantic joint venture between American Airlines, British Airways and Iberia, the parties offered to release London slot pairs on selected UK-US markets.

In order to resolve the competition concerns raised by the EC and DOT, the parties were obliged to make available at LHR (or LGW if requested) slot pairs for competing carriers to operate London to Dallas (1 x daily, with option of one-stop), London to Boston (2 x daily), London to Miami (1 x daily, with option of one-stop) and New York (3 x daily). The New York slots will only be available in the event that the number of competitive daily frequencies (not including those of BA/AA/IB) falls below 13 per day between London and New York. Since the Commitments entered into force, the parties have not been required to release slots on the London-New York route due to the number of competitive daily frequencies prevailing on the London-New York route.

For the Winter 2018/2019 Season, the Monitoring Trustee is inviting applications for London to New York (3 * daily).

Please see the link for further details on the process that must be followed by airlines wishing to apply for these slots.

Published: February 2018

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